Salad Vinaigrette
Making a salad dressing is fast and easy. No need to reach for the dressing bottle from the supermarket. In no time, you will dazzle your family with a homemade version. Different flavors can be achieved depending on the type of vinegar used as well as the optional addition of savory herbs.

The basic french vinaigrette starts with a small teaspoon of Moutarde de Dijon to which we add a pinch of salt and pepper. Then a dash of the vinegar of your choice. Finally whisk vigorously while adding some
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
To bring your basic vinaigrette to the next level, you can add some finely chopped shallots to add an extra layer of flavor, as well as a 1/4 teaspoon of honey to make it more palatable to kids et Voila!
We are serving our vinaigrette over a roasted pear and arugula salad. Un Pur Délice!